about me

browsed - decided - made - excited

this is the first blog about my favorite hobby - craft project. 
when i was in elementary until senior high school, i was active to make a craft things. 
but since i was in college, i totally stopped it because of my education. 
since july 2011, i have idea to make craft again. 
i browsed in google and found some nice craft blog, i searched for some idea, and i decided to make a craft. 

the first craft that i made was 'arm candies', i was really curious to make it, and then i made it and i sell it..:)
i thought what should the name i give to my project....by the Grace of God, i named it 'faithfully craft' 

on 8th August 2011, i got the 1st order....yiiippiiiii...and i really excited to make it....
so, i do hope this blog will be like 'digital message' to you which will inspire you

 Some of my favorite things:

*Browsing: source nice idea for my new craft project idea, my favorite blog is www.brownpaper--packages.com

*Blogging: write some blog about me and God :) click >>   www.alivenotdead.com/jewishnanlohy

*Music: i like all easy & truth listening music  d[^_^]b

*Chocolate: I love all about chocolate ^^

i love art! i love create! and i love craft!

be faithfully, 

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