Monday, August 29, 2011

Order for the end of the month

Praise GOOOODDD!!!!,
bener2 g nyangka,..akhir bulan ini banyak order:
- 16 arm candies bt Kezia
- 13 arm candies bt Lady
- 1 cute arm candy bt Yuan 
- 1 flanel necklace bt Efi
- 2 pet necklaces bt Putu Listy
- 70 beading tie bt Elan

bukan hanya pujian bagi Tuhan , tapi juga doa, supaya Tuhan memampukan kami untuk menyelesaikannya tepat waktu....

Terima kasih buat customers yang sudah mempercayai kami, dengan kasih Tuhan, kami berusaha memberikan yang terbaik :)

GBU abundantly, Jewish

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

twining arm candy

new idea for arm candy : 
Looks like necklace, but this isn't necklace, this  is twining arm candy

GRAB IT !!!! ONLY # 3,000 IDR#

New order

I just captured this morning, my order for last month...thx God, make me busy and more excited now :D

a piece of my last month's order ^_^ , just prepare the strings before the stitch processing

small order ready to deliver to Ende, NTT :)

Finally, the order is ready to deliver to Ende, :)

This is the capture that i took this morning

 the packages (one for Ende, one for Denpasar area)

small order...but thx God !   xox

Ende package :D

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

pet necklace

Put the necklace in your lovely pet, and look...they are so cute !! ^___^

GRAB IT!!!!!
ONLY # 3,000 IDR #

Independent day's order

these are special order for  17august 2011:

the package
the paper bag made by recycle magazine paper

[ go green supporter ]

6 arm candies in 1 package

the candies

August Run ^______^

these are my order from 8th August until now :

for code and price, click here !

1st arm candy that i made :)

this is the 1st arm candy that i made [for myself] :

color: yellow ft. orange
you can get it only # 2,000 IDR #

feel FREE! to contact me in here !