Saturday, October 22, 2011

batik envelope for scarf

I just made this for my boss, and wanna share with you
This envelope uses for your nice scarf packaging or gift from fabric material....
Make your gift looks nice with this envelope...

I will make it in some design and share immediately 

keep your day shine, 
Jewish ^^

Thursday, October 20, 2011

just share after 3weeks home

just wanna share this after my 3weeks home..^^...

my toffel lunch 

 have your day shining,
Jewish ^^

Monday, September 19, 2011

adorable yuan wif arm candies

my niece Yuan uses the arm candy from JCreative~faithfullycraft

September Ceria

Beberapa waktu ini, belum bisa mengerjakan beberapa pesanan karena waktu yang terbatas, dan permintaan dari kantor yang lumayan banyak. 
Berikut ini beberapa hasil kerja yang baru sempat saya ambil ^^

 setelah di-aplikasikan pada sarong yang akan segera dikirim:

Monday, August 29, 2011

Order for the end of the month

Praise GOOOODDD!!!!,
bener2 g nyangka,..akhir bulan ini banyak order:
- 16 arm candies bt Kezia
- 13 arm candies bt Lady
- 1 cute arm candy bt Yuan 
- 1 flanel necklace bt Efi
- 2 pet necklaces bt Putu Listy
- 70 beading tie bt Elan

bukan hanya pujian bagi Tuhan , tapi juga doa, supaya Tuhan memampukan kami untuk menyelesaikannya tepat waktu....

Terima kasih buat customers yang sudah mempercayai kami, dengan kasih Tuhan, kami berusaha memberikan yang terbaik :)

GBU abundantly, Jewish

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

twining arm candy

new idea for arm candy : 
Looks like necklace, but this isn't necklace, this  is twining arm candy

GRAB IT !!!! ONLY # 3,000 IDR#

New order

I just captured this morning, my order for last month...thx God, make me busy and more excited now :D

a piece of my last month's order ^_^ , just prepare the strings before the stitch processing

small order ready to deliver to Ende, NTT :)

Finally, the order is ready to deliver to Ende, :)

This is the capture that i took this morning

 the packages (one for Ende, one for Denpasar area)

small order...but thx God !   xox

Ende package :D

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

pet necklace

Put the necklace in your lovely pet, and look...they are so cute !! ^___^

GRAB IT!!!!!
ONLY # 3,000 IDR #

Independent day's order

these are special order for  17august 2011:

the package
the paper bag made by recycle magazine paper

[ go green supporter ]

6 arm candies in 1 package

the candies

August Run ^______^

these are my order from 8th August until now :

for code and price, click here !

1st arm candy that i made :)

this is the 1st arm candy that i made [for myself] :

color: yellow ft. orange
you can get it only # 2,000 IDR #

feel FREE! to contact me in here !