Wednesday, May 2, 2012

DnD sign

Once again, this is my new design for new work DnD sign for one new villa at Seminyak, DIPAN.

I really love this design..hehehe...

big THANK YOU to Jesus, He is my inspiration, my idea, my storm in my design's brain..waaa....MAJAYO !!!

Enjoy the life,
Jewish :)

Paper box - Choco Soap

Praise to God..again !!! on April, the MesaStila has ordered Choco Soap from our company. To make the box maker works more easier, I taken some work to be a "box maker"..hahaha....

I really enjoy it ! so many box was in wrong order, and fiiuuhhh...should made it back, but I love and enjoy it..

And....taarrraaaa..... finally I could finish the 20boxes for choco soap.

Choco soap box:
size : 10 x 10 cm 
- Logo : cuttiing sticker

Choco soap: provided by the Company

Enjoy the life,
Jewish :)

Paper packaging

Praise to God..I got my first package order and I really excited to work on it.
This is my design for one of the Best Spa in the Best Resort in Java, MesaStila... {to know about the Resort, click on}

Below is some pictures has taken from the office:

- Gold hard paper with transparant paper
- Gold ribbon on top
- Logo : cutting sticker

Enjoy the life,
Jewish :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

order of the month

orderan di depan mata ^^
1. Kalung kucing - 3pcs
2. Alphabeth necklace - 1pc
3. Candy keyring - 1pc
4. Paper packaging - 50pcs
5. Paper bag - 50pcs

bless us Lord..thanks :)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

alphabet necklace

kalo ini bukan iseng-iseng, tapi ada ceritanya...anyway, g perlu kali ya aku ceritain di sini, yang pasti alphabet-alphabet yang membentuk kalung ini adalah inisial dari nama orang yang punya cerita dalam hidup saya...
bener2 buat hidup saya jadi lebih bermakna dan bertanggungjawab..cieee..:)

kalian juga bisa menyusun nama-nama kalian, atau inisial nama anggota keluarga, teman, sahabat, pacar..:)
Have a blessed day, Jewish :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

candy necklace

Iseng-iseng..sambil nungguin temen yang belom balik ke rumah..saya ngerjaincandy necklace..
awalnya sih rencananya mo buat gelang "arm candy", tapi g jadi karena yang mesen batalin :(, biar ngilangin sedih n berkreasi..akhirnya saya jadiin kalung aja "candy necklace"...:)

hehehe...klo mo mesen2..boleh2 aja :)
Jewish ^_^

Saturday, January 28, 2012

New paper package - pre order design

the above is design paper package for sample of hotel's room gift ...  hope they will like it
simple but fresh-look..i think..hehehe